Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Barack Obama chances November 4, 2008.

This is a view of the number of electoral college votes each state has for the 2008 presidential election. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to become president. 16 Southern states (the "old" Southern slave states: SE USA) and Washington D.C (a city-state) hold 200 votes, which equals 200 Republican electoral votes. All, the Republican presidential nominee needs to do is get 70 more votes. The map shows you that there are many states the Republicans can get, subtracting California and New York because they almost always vote Democratic. Obama desperately needs to get Virginia to break up that "old South" Republican voting chain. No electoral college member below Virgina is going to vote for Obama. If you are going to make any change, please make the right one and vote for Barack Hussein Obama.

1 comment:

Jeff Hobbs said...

This is interesting right here:

and these guys are doing some interesting stuff right here: